Spinning Babies® Workshop

Spinning Babies®

Spinning Babies® offers a revolutionary approach to childbirth, blending natural and medical practices to ease the birthing process. This method focuses on fetal rotation, enhancing the baby's journey through the pelvis, and making birth smoother for both mother and child. It moves beyond the traditional dichotomy of 'natural vs. managed' childbirth, advocating for a holistic view that leverages the best of both worlds. By prioritizing body balance and optimal fetal positioning through specific self-care activities, Spinning Babies® facilitates a more comfortable birth experience. Suitable for any birthing environment, it represents a significant shift towards understanding and working with the body's natural processes, thus transforming childbirth experiences worldwide.

What to expect

This workshop takes in maximum 3 couples, as we want to insure, that everybody get’s hands-on individual support.


  • This price includes an intimate workshop of 3h 30min hours, with a maximum of three couples.

    Kindly note that the class will only be held if it achieves full enrollment.

Our Spinning Babies® Educator

  • Kerli Okas