Virtual Counseling


Maternity brings a host of emotional and psychological changes. We're here to help you manage any anxieties, mood fluctuations, and preparation for parenthood, ensuring you feel supported and nurtured throughout this significant phase of your life.


  • If you're struggling with fertility issues, we're here to provide a supportive space where you can express your frustrations, sadness, and anxieties. Together, we can explore coping strategies, discuss your options, and address the emotional impacts of your fertility journey.

  • Pregnancy brings a host of emotional and psychological changes. We're here to help you manage any pregnancy-related anxieties, mood fluctuations, and the preparation for parenthood, ensuring you feel supported and nurtured throughout this significant phase of your life.

  • The postpartum period can be overwhelming. We offer support to help you adjust to your new role, cope with the demands of caring for a newborn, and manage any feelings of postpartum depression or anxiety.

  • If you've experienced the loss of a pregnancy, we're here to help you process your grief and navigate the complex emotions that come with this type of loss. We aim to support your healing and recovery, respecting your unique experience.

  • Recognizing that parenthood can impact your relationship, our couples therapy is designed to enhance communication, strengthen your bond, and provide mutual support strategies. We focus on fostering understanding and empathy, helping you face these challenges together.



This service takes place via Zoom. You will receive a Zoom link in your confirmation, as well as a reminder email.

Our Therapist

  • Maria Šulman